Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Software Releases • HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9

About Software Releases • HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9 This is a short guide explaining how you can install an app you found here on your phone. I’m also going to show you a way that’s a lot easier then the standard method everyone uses.

Please make sure your phone has “Software Releases • HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9 apk” enabled in it’s settings! To check this go to Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources and check the box.

You have two options, either put the Download Software Releases • HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9 apk file onto your phone’s SD card or download and install it directly from your phone.

Sorry We Dont Have Software Releases • HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9 Cheat Android.Another thing is to simply install a file manager app like Astro File Manager, browse the APK and install it. Remember This applications Only For Smartphone Software Releases • HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9 Android

The current version of Software Releases • HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9 Apk needs to run on Android 1.6 or later, in order to make better use of the CPU capacity, we have optimized and built three different Android GamesSoftware Releases • HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9, for higher, medium and lower mobile phones. You can choose to download from your mobile browser, click the button to complete the installation, and you can also download the Software Releases • HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9 .Apk file from PC and use the installation tool to install the Software Releases • HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9 Apk. Enjoy Guys and Lets Begin Software Releases • HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9 Android Games HD Contact Photos Donate v8.1.9
Requirements: Android 2.2+
Overview: Native Google contacts app uses a strangely lower resolution (96x96px).


This was normal in the firsts Android versions.

The new phones includes a large amount of memory and a large screens, and also, the new Android version (Ice Cream Sandwitch) predisposes to a better user experience.

But, by default, the contact photos stored in Android 4.0 uses the older resolution (96x96px), and the photo contacts appears pixelated.

With this app you can make a bulk update of your contact photos to a increased resolution (256x256px) that's shows much better in your new devices.

Also, in older devices, that aren't running ICS, the app allows to make a bulk photo contacts update and increase the resolution to the device max supported size.

Finally, if you have rooted your device, you can increase the size of the contact photos to 400x400px (or more). That sounds good in devices with a large screen, like Galaxy Note.


1) Place the desired contact photos (in PNG or JPG format) in a folder of your sdcard. I recommend to use square photos.
2) Open the app
3) Click settings and configure the sources folder to the stored photos folder
4) Go main window in the app
5) Select the photos that you want to update
6) Click the update photos button (the photos was automatically resized to the max resolution supported by the device).

* If you want to use photos greater than the maximum supported device size, you need to be rooted. If you're rooted, go
settings, check the "Use HD photos" checkbox then apply the desired photos.

Please, if you have troubles or issues, contact with the developers via email or at the XDA thread.

What's in this version:
- Added ads in free app version (i'm sorry)
- Null pointer exception error solved in prefs (Android 4.1)

More Info: